Four Schoolmates by Czech MarionettesFour Schoolmates by Czech MarionettesFour Schoolmates by Czech Marionettes
foto: Four Schoolmates by Czech Marionettesfoto: Four Schoolmates by Czech Marionettesfoto: Four Schoolmates by Czech Marionettes

Four Schoolmates by Czech Marionettes

Czech Marionettes

It’s been just the three of them for long long time... Now we’re honoured to welcome a new member of this group - Alfred! This wooden hand carved marionette matches our friends Justina, Pepe and Dino perfectly!

Costo di spedizione per USA. Modificare il paese di consegnaEUR 140
Please, note that each marionette is an original piece of art and it may slightly differ from the pictures above. For example the clothes or the hair colour may be different, depending on the availability of the materials.
  • Taglia: 24 cm (9.4 inches)
  • Peso: 2.0 kg
  • Materiale: Legno
  • Produzione: Intagliato a mano
  • Mobilità: Esposizione (low)
  • Progettista: Czech Marionettes
  • Genere Ragazzo
  • Personaggio: Altro
  • Funzioni: 0

Nothing much has changed. Just the group of our Schoolmates puppets grew bigger. Alfred is one happy guy with a huge smile on his face. When these four fellows get together, It’s always time for some little roguish fun.

All these marionettes are carefully hand carved from oak wood and each inch is hand painted with non toxic colours. These Schoolmates will bring happiness, joy and positive atmosphere into every place. They are perfect lifetime toys for every generation.


Recensioni del negozioRecensioni dei prodotti (1)

Wane Howard 17. 11. 2015bbbbb

These are awesomely brilliant! absolutely fantastic! Thank you so very very much :)

Fonte delle recensioni:, Google, Etsy

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