Dino is hand carved Czech marionette from our collection Schoolmates - Lifelong Friends. What a nice boy Dino is. He’s a true friend to his schoolmates Justina and Pepe, and the time they spend together is always the best.
Le marionette di questa categoria rappresentano la tradizione ceca nella costruzione di marionette. Si tratta per lo più di pupazzi fusi in piccola serie, che vengono poi decorati a mano con cucito e pittura.
Spedizione in tutto il mondo dal 2000
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Dino is a quite a character. Always honest, kind of quiet, and very generous. He’s the one who clears up any fight these impish schoolmates get into. He loves his friends more than anything, and he will be great friend to you just as he is to Pepe and Justina. Dino puppet stands roughly 10 inches tall. He’s hand painted and hand carved wooden toy for every generation. Marionette like this will stay in your home for ages, and we’re sure your kids will fall in love with him just like you.
So amazing! I have been wanting something exactly like this for years and finally found it. Very well crafted.
Fonte delle recensioni: Marionettes.cz, Google, Etsy